Thursday, November 23, 2006

Mumbai - city of contradictions

So we're 3 days into our trip and we're just starting to settle in. Mumbai is, well, hot, sticky, smelly, busy and, frankly, a bit of a dump (well quite a large one really). Not an awful lot of sights to see here but we've seen some cricket at the maiden oval (large public park), seen statues of Shiva at Elephanta island (lovely cool breezy boat trip there and back), and loving curry for breakfast!!!

It's been very hazy, although not sure how much of that is pollution and dust, but the people seem friendly enough and we don't seem to have much problem ignoring beggars and be honest they don't really hassle you that much - I think it's just too hot!

We thought it would be easy to get the train to Goa but every other tourist in India has booked the train so we're going on overnight "luxury" coach to Goa, staying there for 2 days, then overnight "luxury" coach to Hampi (Soph and Phil: it's been such a pain getting there but we're DETERMINED to do it on your advice!), then overnight train to Bangalore, and then, yes sorry folks, we've sold out already and are flying from Bangalore to Kerala so we can get to Trivandrum in time for our yoga course on 30th November.

We had a fantastic travel agent through our hotel who has basically run around and got all our tickets for the journey - bus, train, the lot - and his office is straight out of Being John Malkovich: only 5 foot high so you have to bend over when standing up - you couldn't make it up!!!

Anyway, we like India so far, but are very keen to get away from the big and expensive city. So, off to Goa tonight to become the worst kind of Hippy tourists...pass me that chillum...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey guys, nice to see that you've arrived in Mumbai... Ah, curry for breakfast, that brings back memories - how's the stomache? Have you tried the juice from Haji Hali Juice Bar? You must :) Laters!