Wednesday, December 06, 2006

OmmmmmMMMMMmmmm, Neyyar Dam, Kerala, India

sindi mandori a, sindi-dala, mandala, etc, etc.

Well we made it to the Ashram just in time for dinner. It was our first time eating with our fingers and we made a mental note to wash the Deet off our hands before supper next time. The Ashram was...very authentic. We knew there was going to be chanting and meditation in the morning and evening. The meditation was good, the chanting was...authentic. Got a very numb/sore bum sitting on hard floors for hours at a time, and the chanting, although has different words, has the same tune and you start to dream the bloody tune! It all had very religious connotations and lots of prostrating to Gods and idols.

And the chanting didn't stop there: there was chanting at the start and end of every yoga session, meal, tea time, lecture. It was very overwhelming and a lot more hardcore than expected. Click here for some chanting...

We respect the yogis and their way of doing things but Kieran after the first day decided to bunk everything except dinner and yoga and read Lord of the Rings instead. I tried to follow the rules and get up at 5.30am for meditation but after 2-3 days kind of got to the end of my cosmic tether and was sleep-deprived, food-deprived, grumpy, bitten by mosquitos, bed bugs and nits, and going down with a nasty cough.

I did have some sage advice from a guru called Veera and we decided to make our escape. We obtained our parole cards, I mean, exit passes (you're not allowed to set foot outside the compound to stay pure) and dashed to the nearest big town to eat garlic, chilli and have a very LARGE BEER.

I guess we're just not that cosmic after all but at least we've given it a go, and met a few lovely people who had a bit more staying power than us!

We stayed in a lovely hotel back in Triv with TV (we watched Spiderman to make ourselves impure again) and consulted an Ayurvedic doctor about our cough/cold (tastes rank so must be good for us). Next day got on train headed for beach.....

Kieran attempting escape from the ashram after just one day!

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