Friday, May 11, 2007

El's 31st birthday

We got up early and went to Pook's Kitchen for breakfast - they do the best coffee on Koh Tao at a very cheap price! I was assisting on Corrie's Stress and Rescue course in the afternoon so spent a few hours being an 'unconscious diver' and having all sorts of 'problems' underwater, like losing my fins, accidentally putting my mask on upside down and other such antics.

After a few G&Ts at Lotus, and checking my birthday emails and cards (thanks everyone who sent a message), we headed to Portobello, Koh Tao's classy pizza place for a dinner with the gang. Kieran had bought some balloons and Nat (Instructor at Scuba J) spent the afternoon blowing them up to hang up at the restaurant. We had yummy pizza and 2 bottles of delicious Argentinian wine - mmmMMMMmmm red wine!!!! We capped off the meal with a huge, sickly and disgustingly sweet cake which was a lovely surprise and was quite the most synthetic cake I've ever had! We capped off the meal with a cigar that we've been lugging round with us for 6 months and tried not to do too many Jimmy Saville impressions!

We then went onto the Bee bar which is one of Koh Tao's few pole dancing bars. They have happy hour until 11pm and free pool, and poles to dance on, not to mention really sweet girls there. I announced it was my birthday and they announced it was happy hour for me all night!!!! Then after a bit of drunken pole dancing, they gave me some more balloons and brought out a 'birthday cake' made from prawn crackers and candles. Hilarious but a really sweet thought. Of course, we all had to try and shove as many in our gobs as possible...I think you perhaps had to be there!!!

El, Nat and Corrie enjoy prawn cracker cake

We then went onto another bar but by this point we were pretty knackered and drunkard so decided to call it a night and were back in home in bed by 3am.

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