Friday, November 09, 2007

Buenos Aires Part 2

We spent the day shopping in Florida Street and drinking coffee and then in the last minute "you only have 10 minutes to get ready" type thing we decided to go to a tango experience, where you get an hour tango leason and then a dinner show afterwards.

I was most dismayed to discover that Eleanor is a much better dancer than me, and that I have two left feet. I can remember my Nan telling me that Grandad had the same affliction, so it must run in the family. It was a great night and the show was very sexy, with three dance pairs and lots of change of clothes. The whole thing made us want to continue to learn the Tango when we get back home.

Eleanor in her new top, doing the do

We got home late and then after El thrashed Kieran at a game of pool, we got chatting to the barmen in the hostel about the meaning of life and his philosophy of no change and so did not get into to bed until 4am, Argentina even has the power of to turn us old gits into party animals, as we having been getting into bed at 10pm at the latest most nights.

The next day was a bit of a washout so we decided to go back to the sushi bar and eat sushi all day...mmmm

Eleanor stuffing her face... just one more wafer thin salmon slice

We loved BA and think it is one of the coolest cities in the world and were very sad to leave it. The wine was cheap, the people frendly and stylish and the feel to the city, mainly down to the tango, is extremly sexy

Side note
I am reading a book about Charles Darwin's life "Annies Box", after the trip to the Galapagas. I thought it was apt and it's quite funny reading about a family life in the 1840s, water treatment and sea bathing in huts.

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